# Patternmatch This is a short R pattern.search wrapper that takes in a CSV file containing HRMS Peaks and prints all of the fragment numbers that may contain isotopes of one's choosing (preferably halogenated compounds). ## Installation The script uses the following packages: - latest version of the [Nontarget R Package](https://github.com/blosloos/nontarget) (It is recommended to install this package through the devtools package) - [enviPat](https://rdocumentation.org/packages/enviPat/versions/2.2) - [stringr](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/stringr/versions/1.4.0) - [parallel](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/parallel/versions/3.6.2) Before running/configuring the script, call `make` while in the `/src` directory or simply copy `/src/script.def.R` to `/src/script.R`. ## Configuration All configuration variables are located at the top of the script. ## Output The script should print a list with data for all clusters that contain the isotopes to be searched for. If `verbose.enable` is set to `TRUE`, files of the form `(fragment number).txt` containing the `pattern.search` output will be printed to the directory specified in `verbose.outputdir`, assuming the directory already exists. ## Additional Notes As windows does not allow forking, the number of cores used on it will be constrained to 1.