# Specifications for the script **Use the Nontarget** - Clusters should have large enough number of fragments (3+ maybe) - nontarget has a pattern match function. - Check for chlorinated compounds (has n+2, n+4, ...) - GPL License (good) - Script to get output for all of the results - tabbed-deliminated text file - Which clusters contain chlorinated compounds, how many fragments, what other isotopes. ## format - Readable by R. - Manipulatable by Tidyverse - Include it in script? # Additional Notes - Independent of the ordering (it might get corrupted) - Just search for chlorinated/brominated compounds. - usually, use_charges will be 1 - Headers to use in script. - Packages to do things in parallel (multiple threads) - be able to configure the number of cores or threads used. - make it a requirement to be tab-deliminated. - eliminate clusters with only m/z. # Notes - cutint represents high enough intensity. - mztol is in terms of ppm. - mzfrac is in terms of absolute. - PPM = true always