Lemur Pro nixos dotfiles
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
4.1 KiB

(defwindow right
:monitor 0
:geometry (geometry :x "-5%"
:y "0%"
:width "30%"
:height "70%"
:anchor "right center")
:stacking 'bg'
:windowtype "dock"
:wm-ignore true
(defwidget root[]
:class "background"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
:spacing 0
:class "background"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
:spacing 10
(sys) (cal))
:class "background"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
:spacing 10
(defwidget musicwidget[]
:class "container musiccontainer"
:spacing 10
:orientation "v"
(label :text music :wrap true :show-truncated true :limit-width 80)
:class "musicprogress box purplescale"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
:halign "center"
:min 0
:max 101
:active false
:value "${songperc}"
:valign "center"
:class "musicsel"
:spacing 90
:space-evenly true
:orientation "h"
(button :onclick "mpc prev" :class "musicbutton" "玲")
(button :onclick "mpc toggle" :class "musicbutton" paused)
(button :onclick "mpc next" :class "musicbutton" "怜"))))
(defwidget sys []
:class "container header"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly true
:valign "center"
:class "progress box bluescale"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
(label :text " /")
:min 0
:max 101
:active false
:value {EWW_DISK["/"]["used_perc"]}
:valign "center"
:class "progress box bluescale"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
(label :text " ")
:min 0
:max 101
:active false
:value {EWW_DISK["/home"]["used_perc"]}
:valign "center"
:class "progress box greenscale"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
(label :text "  ")
:min 0
:max 101
:active false
:value {EWW_BATTERY["BAT0"]["capacity"]}
:valign "center"
:class "progress box yellowscale"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
(label :text "CPU")
:min 0
:max 101
:active false
:value "${cpu}"
:valign "center"
(defwidget bar[]
:class "background header mt-20"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
:spacing 20
:halign "center"
:hexpand true
(eventbox :class "launch"
(button :class "launchbutton" :onclick "rofi -show drun&" ""))
(eventbox :class "launch"
(button :class "launchbutton" :onclick "alacritty -e \"nvim\"&" ""))
(eventbox :class "launch"
(button :class "launchbutton" :onclick "code&" ""))
(eventbox :class "launch"
(button :class "launchbutton" :onclick "brave&" "爵"))
;(defwidget bat []
; (box :class "container header" :orientation "v"
; :space-evenly true
; (circular-progress
; :value {EWW_BATTERY["BAT0"]["capacity"]}
; :class "progress" :thickness 10)
; (label :text battery)
; ))
(defwidget cal []
(box :class "container beige" :orientation "v" :space-evenly true
(calendar :valign "center")
;(label :text rems :valign "center")
(deflisten battery :initial "UNK" `loop battery.sh`)
(deflisten brightness :initial "UNK" `loop brightness.py`)
(deflisten time :initial "No Time" `~/.config/eww/scripts/date.sh`)
(deflisten music :initial "-" `loop ~/.config/eww/scripts/music.sh status`)
(deflisten paused :initial "-" `loop ~/.config/eww/scripts/music.sh paused`)
(defpoll cpu :interval "1s" "echo `top -b -n1 | grep \"Cpu(s)\" | awk '{print $2 + $4}'`")
(defpoll songperc :interval "1s" "~/.config/eww/scripts/songperc.sh")
(defpoll rems :interval "1m" "rems l")