local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true } -- Move to previous/next map('n', '≤', 'BufferPrevious', opts) map('n', '≥', 'BufferNext', opts) -- Re-order to previous/next map('n', '¯', 'BufferMovePrevious', opts) map('n', '˘', 'BufferMoveNext', opts) -- Goto buffer in position... map('n', '¡', 'BufferGoto 1', opts) map('n', '™', 'BufferGoto 2', opts) map('n', '£', 'BufferGoto 3', opts) map('n', '¢', 'BufferGoto 4', opts) map('n', '∞', 'BufferGoto 5', opts) map('n', '§', 'BufferGoto 6', opts) map('n', '¶', 'BufferGoto 7', opts) map('n', '•', 'BufferGoto 8', opts) map('n', 'ª', 'BufferGoto 9', opts) map('n', 'º', 'BufferLast', opts) -- Pin/unpin buffer map('n', 'π', 'BufferPin', opts) -- Close buffer map('n', 'ç', 'BufferClose', opts) ---- Move to previous/next --map('n', '', 'BufferPrevious', opts) --map('n', '', 'BufferNext', opts) ---- Re-order to previous/next --map('n', '', 'BufferMovePrevious', opts) --map('n', '>', 'BufferMoveNext', opts) ---- Goto buffer in position... --map('n', '', 'BufferGoto 1', opts) --map('n', '', 'BufferGoto 2', opts) --map('n', '', 'BufferGoto 3', opts) --map('n', '', 'BufferGoto 4', opts) --map('n', '', 'BufferGoto 5', opts) --map('n', '', 'BufferGoto 6', opts) --map('n', '', 'BufferGoto 7', opts) --map('n', '', 'BufferGoto 8', opts) --map('n', '', 'BufferGoto 9', opts) --map('n', '', 'BufferLast', opts) ---- Pin/unpin buffer --map('n', '', 'BufferPin', opts) ---- Close buffer --map('n', '', 'BufferClose', opts) -- Wipeout buffer -- :BufferWipeout -- Close commands -- :BufferCloseAllButCurrent -- :BufferCloseAllButPinned -- :BufferCloseAllButCurrentOrPinned -- :BufferCloseBuffersLeft -- :BufferCloseBuffersRight -- Magic buffer-picking mode map('n', '', 'BufferPick', opts) -- Sort automatically by... map('n', 'bb', 'BufferOrderByBufferNumber', opts) map('n', 'bd', 'BufferOrderByDirectory', opts) map('n', 'bl', 'BufferOrderByLanguage', opts) map('n', 'bw', 'BufferOrderByWindowNumber', opts)