#!/usr/bin/env python3 from flask import Flask, render_template, session, request, abort, redirect, url_for, jsonify from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from sqlalchemy import inspect, or_, and_ from flask_wtf import FlaskForm import bcrypt from wtforms_alchemy import model_form_factory db: SQLAlchemy = SQLAlchemy() app = Flask(__name__) app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///project.db" app.secret_key = '98d31240f9fbe14c8083586db49c19c3a8d3f726' BaseModelForm = model_form_factory(FlaskForm) class ModelForm(BaseModelForm): @classmethod def get_session(self): return db.session class Admin(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) username = db.Column(db.String, unique=True, nullable=False) password = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) query: db.Query @classmethod def generate_password(cls, pw: str): return bcrypt.hashpw(pw, bcrypt.gensalt(12)) @classmethod def authenticate(cls, username: str, pw: str): user = Admin.query.filter_by(username=username).one_or_none() if user and bcrypt.checkpw(pw, user.password): session['admin'] = user.username return user else: return None @classmethod def exists(cls): user = Admin.query.one_or_none() return True if user else False @classmethod def authorize(cls): if not session.get('admin'): return redirect(url_for("admin_login")) def object_as_dict(obj): return {c.key: getattr(obj, c.key) for c in inspect(obj).mapper.column_attrs} class Chemical(db.Model): query: db.Query id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) # all fields after here are included in the database chemical_db_id = db.Column(db.String) library = db.Column(db.String) # important fields name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) formula = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) mass = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False) pubchem_cid = db.Column(db.Integer) pubmed_refcount = db.Column(db.Integer) standard_class = db.Column(db.String) inchikey = db.Column(db.String) inchikey14 = db.Column(db.String) final_mz = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False) final_rt = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False) final_adduct = db.Column(db.String) adduct = db.Column(db.String) detected_adducts = db.Column(db.String) adduct_calc_mz = db.Column(db.String) msms_detected = db.Column(db.Boolean) msms_purity = db.Column(db.Float) class ChemicalForm(ModelForm): class Meta: csrf = False model = Chemical # Error Handlers @app.errorhandler(404) def handler_404(msg): return render_template("errors/404.html") @app.errorhandler(403) def handler_403(msg): return render_template("errors/403.html") # Admin routes @app.route('/admin') def admin_root(): if login := Admin.authorize(): return login return render_template("admin.html", user=session.get("admin")) @app.route('/admin/create', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def admin_create(): if Admin.exists(): if login := Admin.authorize(): return login if request.method == "GET": return render_template("register.html") else: username, pw = request.form.get('username'), request.form.get('password') if username is None or pw is None: return render_template("register.html", fail="Invalid Input.") elif db.session.execute(db.select(Admin).filter_by(username=username)).fetchone(): return render_template("register.html", fail="Username already exists.") else: db.session.add(Admin(username=username, password=Admin.generate_password(pw))) db.session.commit() return render_template("register.html", success=True) @app.route('/admin/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def admin_login(): if request.method == "POST": username, pw = request.form.get('username', ''), request.form.get('password', '') if Admin.authenticate(username, pw): return render_template("login.html", success=True) else: return render_template("login.html", fail="Could not authenticate.") else: return render_template("login.html") @app.route('/admin/logout', methods=['GET']) def admin_logout(): session.pop('admin') return redirect(url_for('home')) @app.route("/") def home(): if Admin.exists(): return render_template("index.html") else: return redirect(url_for("admin_create")) # Routes for CRUD operations on chemicals @app.route("/chemical/create", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def chemical_create(): if not session.get('admin'): abort(403) if request.method == "POST": form = ChemicalForm(**request.form) if form.validate(): new_chemical = Chemical(**form.data) db.session.add(new_chemical) db.session.commit() return render_template("create_chemical.html", form=ChemicalForm(), success=True) else: return render_template("create_chemical.html", form=form, invalid=True) else: form = ChemicalForm() return render_template("create_chemical.html", form=form) @app.route("/chemical//update", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def chemical_update(id: int): if not session.get('admin'): abort(403) current_chemical:Chemical = Chemical.query.filter_by(id=id).one_or_404() dct = object_as_dict(current_chemical) if request.method == "POST": form = ChemicalForm(**request.form) if form.validate(): # take the row with id and update it. for k in form.data: setattr(current_chemical, k, form.data[k]) db.session.commit() return render_template("create_chemical.html", form=form, success=True, id=id) else: form = ChemicalForm(**dct) return render_template("create_chemical.html", form=form, invalid=True, id=id) else: form = ChemicalForm(**dct) return render_template("create_chemical.html", form=form, id=id) @app.route("/chemical//delete") def chemical_delete(id: int): if not session.get('admin'): abort(403) current_chemical:Chemical = Chemical.query.filter_by(id=id).one_or_404() db.session.delete(current_chemical) db.session.commit() return render_template("delete_chemical.html", id=id) @app.route("/chemical//view") def chemical_view(id: int): current_chemical:Chemical = Chemical.query.filter_by(id=id).one_or_404() dct = object_as_dict(current_chemical) return render_template("view_chemical.html", id=id, chemical=dct) @app.route("/chemical/all") def chemical_all(): if not session.get('admin'): abort(403) result = Chemical.query.all() data = [] for x in result: data.append({"url": url_for("chemical_view", id=x.id), "name": x.name, "mz": x.final_mz, "rt": x.final_rt}) return jsonify(data) @app.route("/chemical/search") def search_api(): mz_min, mz_max = request.args.get('mz_min'), request.args.get('mz_max') rt_min, rt_max = request.args.get('rt_min'), request.args.get('rt_max') if (mz_min is None and mz_max is None) or (rt_min is None and rt_max is None): abort(400) try: if mz_min is not None and mz_max is None: mz_max = float(mz_min) + 3 elif mz_max is not None and mz_min is None: mz_min = float(mz_max) - 3 if rt_min is not None and rt_max is None: rt_max = float(rt_min) + 3 elif rt_max is not None and rt_min is None: rt_min = float(rt_max) - 3 mz_min, mz_max = float(mz_min), float(mz_max) rt_min, rt_max = float(rt_min), float(rt_max) except ValueError: abort(400) print(mz_min, mz_max, " ", rt_min, rt_max) mz_filter = and_(mz_max > Chemical.final_mz, Chemical.final_mz > mz_min) rt_filter = and_(rt_max > Chemical.final_rt, Chemical.final_rt > rt_min) result = Chemical.query.filter( or_(mz_filter, rt_filter) ).limit(20).all() print("Got Result", result) data = [] for x in result: data.append({"url": url_for("chemical_view", id=x.id), "name": x.name, "mz": x.final_mz, "rt": x.final_rt}) return jsonify(data) @app.route("/search") def search(): return render_template("search.html") if __name__ == "__main__": db.init_app(app) with app.app_context(): db.create_all() app.run(debug=True)