9 changed files with 672 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
-- Bootstrap lazy.nvim |
local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim" |
if not (vim.uv or vim.loop).fs_stat(lazypath) then |
local lazyrepo = "https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim.git" |
local out = vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "--branch=stable", lazyrepo, lazypath }) |
if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then |
vim.api.nvim_echo({ |
{ "Failed to clone lazy.nvim:\n", "ErrorMsg" }, |
{ out, "WarningMsg" }, |
{ "\nPress any key to exit..." }, |
}, true, {}) |
vim.fn.getchar() |
os.exit(1) |
end |
end |
vim.opt.rtp:prepend(lazypath) |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
return { |
"L3MON4D3/LuaSnip", |
-- follow latest release. |
version = "v2.*", |
build = "make install_jsregexp", |
config = function() |
require("luasnip.loaders.from_snipmate").lazy_load({ |
paths = "./lua/junikim/snippets" |
}) |
end |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
return { |
'kevinhwang91/nvim-ufo', |
dependencies = { |
{ 'kevinhwang91/promise-async' }, |
}, |
config = function() |
vim.o.foldcolumn = '1' -- '0' is not bad |
vim.o.foldlevel = 99 -- Using ufo provider need a large value, feel free to decrease the value |
vim.o.foldlevelstart = 99 |
vim.o.foldenable = true |
-- Using ufo provider need remap `zR` and `zM`. If Neovim is 0.6.1, remap yourself |
vim.keymap.set('n', 'zR', require('ufo').openAllFolds) |
vim.keymap.set('n', 'zM', require('ufo').closeAllFolds) |
-- Option 3: treesitter as a main provider instead |
-- Only depend on `nvim-treesitter/queries/filetype/folds.scm`, |
-- performance and stability are better than `foldmethod=nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()` |
require('ufo').setup({ |
provider_selector = function(bufnr, filetype, buftype) |
return { 'treesitter', 'indent' } |
end |
}) |
end |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,446 @@ |
#version 1 |
#documentclass without options |
snippet dcl \documentclass{} |
\\documentclass{${1:class}} ${0} |
#documentclass with options |
snippet dclo \documentclass[]{} |
\\documentclass[${1:options}]{${2:class}} ${0} |
snippet tmplt "Template" |
\\documentclass{${1:article}} |
\\usepackage{import} |
\\usepackage{pdfpages} |
\\usepackage{transparent} |
\\usepackage{xcolor} |
$2 |
\\newcommand{\incfig}[2][1]{% |
\def\svgwidth{#1\columnwidth} |
\import{./figures/}{#2.pdf_tex} |
} |
$3 |
\\pdfsuppresswarningpagegroup=1 |
\\begin{document} |
$0 |
\\end{document} |
#newcommand |
snippet nc \newcommand |
\\newcommand{\\${1:cmd}}[${2:opt}]{${3:realcmd}} ${0} |
#usepackage |
snippet up \usepackage |
\\usepackage[${1:options}]{${2:package}} ${0} |
#newunicodechar |
snippet nuc \newunicodechar |
\\newunicodechar{${1}}{${2:\\ensuremath}${3:tex-substitute}}} ${0} |
#DeclareMathOperator |
snippet dmo \DeclareMathOperator |
\\DeclareMathOperator{${1}}{${2}} ${0} |
# \begin{}...\end{} |
snippet begin \begin{} ... \end{} block |
\\begin{${1:env}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{$1} |
# Maketitle |
snippet mkt maketitle |
\\maketitle |
# Tabular |
snippet tab tabular (or arbitrary) environment |
\\begin{${1:tabular}}{${2:c}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{$1} |
snippet thm thm (or arbitrary) environment with optional argument |
\\begin[${1:author}]{${2:thm}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{$2} |
snippet center center environment |
\\begin{center} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{center} |
# Align(ed) |
snippet ali align(ed) environment |
\\begin{align*} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{align*} |
# Gather(ed) |
snippet gat gather(ed) environment |
\\begin{gather${1:ed}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{gather$1} |
# Equation |
snippet eq equation environment |
\\begin{equation} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{equation} |
# Equation |
snippet eql Labeled equation environment |
\\begin{equation} |
\\label{eq:${2}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{equation} |
# Equation |
snippet eq* unnumbered equation environment |
\\begin{equation*} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{equation*} |
# Unnumbered Equation |
snippet \ unnumbered equation: \[ ... \] |
\\[ |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\] |
# Equation array |
snippet eqnarray eqnarray environment |
\\begin{eqnarray} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{eqnarray} |
# Label |
snippet lab \label |
\\label{${1:eq:}${2:fig:}${3:tab:}${0}} |
# Enumerate |
snippet enum enumerate environment |
\\begin{enumerate} |
\\item ${0} |
\\end{enumerate} |
snippet enuma enumerate environment |
\\begin{enumerate}[(a)] |
\\item ${0} |
\\end{enumerate} |
snippet enumi enumerate environment |
\\begin{enumerate}[(i)] |
\\item ${0} |
\\end{enumerate} |
# Itemize |
snippet item itemize environment |
\\begin{itemize} |
\\item ${0} |
\\end{itemize} |
snippet it \item |
\\item ${1:${VISUAL}} |
# Description |
snippet desc description environment |
\\begin{description} |
\\item[${1}] ${0} |
\\end{description} |
# Endless new item |
snippet ]i \item (recursive) |
\\item ${1} |
${0:]i} |
# Matrix |
snippet mat smart matrix environment |
\\begin{${1:p/b/v/V/B/small}matrix} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{$1matrix} |
# Cases |
snippet cas cases environment |
\\begin{cases} |
${1:equation}, &\\text{ if }${2:case}\\ |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{cases} |
# Split |
snippet spl split environment |
\\begin{split} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{split} |
# Part |
snippet part document \part |
\\part{${1:part name}} % (fold)% |
\\label{prt:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
% part $2 (end) |
# Chapter |
snippet cha \chapter |
\\chapter{${1:chapter name}}% |
\\label{cha:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
# Section |
snippet sec \section |
\\section{${1:section name}}% |
\\label{sec:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
# Section without number |
snippet sec* \section* |
\\section*{${1:section name}}% |
\\label{sec:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
# Sub Section |
snippet sub \subsection |
\\subsection{${1:subsection name}}% |
\\label{sub:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
# Sub Section without number |
snippet sub* \subsection* |
\\subsection*{${1:subsection name}}% |
\\label{sub:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
# Sub Sub Section |
snippet ssub \subsubsection |
\\subsubsection{${1:subsubsection name}}% |
\\label{ssub:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
# Sub Sub Section without number |
snippet ssub* \subsubsection* |
\\subsubsection*{${1:subsubsection name}}% |
\\label{ssub:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
# Paragraph |
snippet par \paragraph |
\\paragraph{${1:paragraph name}}% |
\\label{par:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
# Paragraph* |
snippet par* \paragraph* |
\\paragraph*{${1:paragraph name}}% |
\\label{par:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
# Sub Paragraph |
snippet subp \subparagraph |
\\subparagraph{${1:subparagraph name}}% |
\\label{subp:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
# Sub Paragraph* |
snippet subp* \subparagraph* |
\\subparagraph*{${1:subparagraph name}}% |
\\label{subp:${2:$1}} |
${0} |
snippet ni \noindent |
\\noindent |
${0} |
#References |
snippet itd description \item |
\\item[${1:description}] ${0:item} |
snippet figure reference to a figure |
${1:Figure}~\\ref{${2:fig:}} |
snippet table reference to a table |
${1:Table}~\\ref{${2:tab:}} |
snippet listing reference to a listing |
${1:Listing}~\\ref{${2:list}} |
snippet section reference to a section |
${1:Section}~\\ref{sec:${2}} ${0} |
snippet page reference to a page |
${1:page}~\\pageref{${2}} ${0} |
snippet index \index |
\\index{${1:index}} ${0} |
#Citations |
snippet citen \citen |
\\citen{${1}} ${0} |
# natbib citations |
snippet citep \citep |
\\citep{${1}} ${0} |
snippet citet \citet |
\\citet{${1}} ${0} |
snippet cite \cite[]{} |
\\cite[${1}]{${2}} ${0} |
snippet citea \citeauthor |
\\citeauthor{${1}} ${0} |
snippet citey \citeyear |
\\citeyear{${1}} ${0} |
snippet fcite \footcite[]{} |
\\footcite[${1}]{${2}}${0} |
#Formating text: italic, bold, underline, small capital, emphase .. |
snippet ita italic text |
\\textit{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet bf bold face text |
\\textbf{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet under underline text |
\\underline{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet over overline text |
\\overline{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet emp emphasize text |
\\emph{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet sc small caps text |
\\textsc{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
#Choosing font |
snippet sf sans serife text |
\\textsf{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet rm roman font text |
\\textrm{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet tt typewriter (monospace) text |
\\texttt{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet tsub subscripted text |
\\textsubscript{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet tsup superscripted text |
\\textsuperscript{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
#Math font |
snippet mf mathfrak |
\\mathfrak{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet mc mathcal |
\\mathcal{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet ms mathscr |
\\mathscr{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
#misc |
snippet ft \footnote |
\\footnote{${1:${VISUAL:text}}}${0} |
snippet fig figure environment (includegraphics) |
\\begin{figure} |
\\begin{center} |
\\includegraphics[scale=${1}]{Figures/${2}} |
\\end{center} |
\\caption{${3}} |
\\label{fig:${4}} |
\\end{figure} |
${0} |
snippet tikz figure environment (tikzpicture) |
\\begin{figure}[htpb] |
\\begin{center} |
\\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=${1:1}, transform shape] |
${2} |
\\end{tikzpicture} |
\\end{center} |
\\caption{${3}}% |
\\label{fig:${4}} |
\\end{figure} |
${0} |
snippet subfig subfigure environment |
\\begin{subfigure}[${1}]{${2:\\textwidth}} |
\\begin{center} |
${3} |
\\end{center} |
\\caption{${4}} |
\\label{fig:${5}} |
\\end{subfigure} |
${0} |
snippet tikzcd tikzcd environment in equation |
\\begin{equation} |
\\begin{tikzcd} |
${1} |
\\end{tikzcd} |
\\end{equation} |
${0} |
snippet tikzcd* tikzcd environment in equation* |
\\begin{equation*} |
\\begin{tikzcd} |
${1} |
\\end{tikzcd} |
\\end{equation*} |
${0} |
#math |
snippet stackrel \stackrel{}{} |
\\stackrel{${1:above}}{${2:below}} ${0} |
snippet frac \frac{}{} |
\\frac{${1:num}}{${2:denom}} ${0} |
snippet sum \sum^{}_{} |
\\sum^{${1:n}}_{${2:i=1}} ${0} |
snippet lim \lim_{} |
\\lim_{${1:n \\to \\infty}} ${0} |
snippet frame frame environment |
\\begin{frame}[${1:t}] |
\frametitle{${2:title}} |
\framesubtitle{${3:subtitle}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{frame} |
snippet block block environment |
\\begin{block}{${1:title}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{block} |
snippet alert alert text |
\\alert{${1:${VISUAL:text}}} ${0} |
snippet alertblock alertblock environment |
\\begin{alertblock}{${1:title}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{alertblock} |
snippet example exampleblock environment |
\\begin{exampleblock}{${1:title}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{exampleblock} |
snippet col2 two-column environment |
\\begin{columns} |
\\begin{column}{0.5\\textwidth} |
${1} |
\\end{column} |
\\begin{column}{0.5\\textwidth} |
${0} |
\\end{column} |
\\end{columns} |
snippet multicol2 two-column environment with multicol |
\\begin{multicols}{2} |
${1} |
\columnbreak |
${0} |
\\end{multicols} |
snippet \{ \{ \} |
\\{ ${0} \\} |
#delimiter |
snippet lr left right |
\\left${1} ${0:${VISUAL}} \\right$1 |
snippet lr( left( right) |
\\left( ${0:${VISUAL}} \\right) |
snippet lr| left| right| |
\\left| ${0:${VISUAL}} \\right| |
snippet lr{ left\{ right\} |
\\left\\{ ${0:${VISUAL}} \\right\\} |
snippet lr[ left[ right] |
\\left[ ${0:${VISUAL}} \\right] |
snippet lra langle rangle |
\\langle ${0:${VISUAL}} \\rangle |
# Code listings |
snippet lst |
\\begin{listing}[language=${1:language}] |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\\end{listing} |
snippet lsi |
\\lstinline|${1}| ${0} |
# Hyperlinks |
snippet url |
\\url{${1}} ${0} |
snippet href |
\\href{${1}}{${2}} ${0} |
# URL from Clipboard. |
snippet urlc |
\\url{`@+`} ${0} |
snippet hrefc |
\\href{`@+`}{${1}} ${0} |
# enquote from package csquotes |
snippet enq enquote |
\\enquote{${1:${VISUAL:text}}} ${0} |
# Time derivative |
snippet ddt time derivative |
\\frac{d}{dt} {$1} {$0} |
# Limit |
snippet lim limit |
\\lim_{{$1}} {{$2}} {$0} |
# Partial derivative |
snippet pdv partial derivation |
\\frac{\\partial {$1}}{\\partial {$2}} {$0} |
# Second order partial derivative |
snippet ppdv second partial derivation |
\\frac{\\partial^2 {$1}}{\\partial {$2} \\partial {$3}} {$0} |
# Ordinary derivative |
snippet dv derivative |
\\frac{d {$1}}{d {$2}} {$0} |
# Summation |
snippet summ summation |
\\sum_{{$1}} {$0} |
# Shorthand for time derivative |
snippet dot dot |
\\dot{{$1}} {$0} |
# Shorthand for second order time derivative |
snippet ddot ddot |
\\ddot{{$1}} {$0} |
# Vector |
snippet vec vector |
\\vec{{$1}} {$0} |
# Bar |
snippet bar bar |
\\bar{{$1}} {$0} |
# Cross product |
snippet \x cross product |
\\times {$0} |
# Dot product |
snippet . dot product |
\\cdot {$0} |
# Integral |
snippet int integral |
\\int_{{$1}}^{{$2}} {$3} \\: d{$4} {$0} |
# Right arrow |
snippet ra rightarrow |
\\rightarrow {$0} |
# Long right arrow |
snippet lra longrightarrow |
\\longrightarrow {$0} |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
init.lua |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
return { |
{ |
"catppuccin/nvim", |
version = false, |
lazy = false, |
priority = 1000, -- make sure to load this before all the other start plugins |
-- Optional; default configuration will be used if setup isn't called. |
config = function() |
require('catppuccin').setup { |
transparent_background = true, |
} |
local day = 9 |
local night = 18 |
local hour = os.date("*t").hour |
local themes = { "catppuccin-macchiato", "catppuccin-mocha" } |
local theme = 1 |
if day <= hour and hour < night then |
theme = 1 |
else |
theme = 2 |
end |
vim.cmd.colorscheme(themes[theme]) |
local function toggletheme() |
if theme == 1 then |
theme = 2 |
else |
theme = 1 |
end |
vim.cmd.colorscheme(themes[theme]) |
end |
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("ToggleTheme", toggletheme, {}) |
end, |
}, |
{ |
'nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim', |
dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' }, |
init = function() |
vim.opt.laststatus = 3 |
end, |
opts = { |
options = { |
icons_enabled = true, |
theme = 'auto', |
section_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, |
component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, |
}, |
sections = { |
lualine_a = { 'mode' }, |
lualine_b = { 'branch', 'diff', 'diagnostics' }, |
lualine_c = { 'filename' }, |
lualine_x = { 'encoding', 'fileformat', 'filetype' }, |
lualine_y = { require('themes.utils').getWords }, |
}, |
} |
}, |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
return { |
{ |
"neanias/everforest-nvim", |
version = false, |
lazy = false, |
priority = 1000, -- make sure to load this before all the other start plugins |
-- Optional; default configuration will be used if setup isn't called. |
config = function() |
require("everforest").setup({ |
-- Your config here |
transparent_background_level = 1, |
background = "medium", |
}) |
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'everforest' |
end, |
}, |
{ |
'nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim', |
dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' }, |
init = function() |
vim.opt.laststatus = 3 |
end, |
opts = { |
options = { |
icons_enabled = true, |
theme = 'auto', |
section_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, |
component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, |
}, |
sections = { |
lualine_a = { 'mode' }, |
lualine_b = { 'branch', 'diff', 'diagnostics' }, |
lualine_c = { 'filename' }, |
lualine_x = { 'encoding', 'fileformat', 'filetype' }, |
lualine_y = { require('themes.utils').getWords }, |
}, |
} |
}, |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
return { |
{ |
"ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim", |
version = false, |
lazy = false, |
priority = 1000, -- make sure to load this before all the other start plugins |
-- Optional; default configuration will be used if setup isn't called. |
config = function() |
require('gruvbox').setup { |
} |
local day = 9 |
local night = 18 |
local hour = os.date("*t").hour |
local themes = { "gruvbox", "gruvbox" } |
local theme = 1 |
if day <= hour and hour < night then |
theme = 1 |
else |
theme = 2 |
end |
vim.cmd.colorscheme(themes[theme]) |
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Normal", { bg = "none" }) |
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NormalFloat", { bg = "none" }) |
local function toggletheme() |
if theme == 1 then |
theme = 2 |
vim.cmd('set background=dark') |
else |
theme = 1 |
vim.cmd('set background=light') |
end |
end |
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("ToggleTheme", toggletheme, {}) |
end, |
}, |
{ |
'nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim', |
dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' }, |
init = function() |
vim.opt.laststatus = 3 |
end, |
opts = { |
options = { |
icons_enabled = true, |
theme = 'auto', |
}, |
sections = { |
lualine_a = { 'mode' }, |
lualine_b = { 'branch', 'diff', 'diagnostics' }, |
lualine_c = { 'filename' }, |
lualine_x = { 'encoding', 'fileformat', 'filetype' }, |
lualine_y = { require('themes.utils').getWords }, |
}, |
} |
}, |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
return { |
getWords = function() |
local wordcount = vim.fn.wordcount() |
if wordcount.visual_words ~= nil then |
return tostring(wordcount.visual_words) .. "/" .. tostring(wordcount.words) .. " W" |
end |
return tostring(wordcount.words) .. " W" |
end |
} |
Reference in new issue