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import React from 'react';
import Svg, {G, Path, Defs, ClipPath, Rect} from 'react-native-svg';
export const CrossIcon = (props: any) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<G clipPath="url(#clip0_226_47132)">
<Path d="M5.721 5.72724C5.34609 6.10215 5.34611 6.70999 5.721 7.08488L10.6425 12.0064L5.72102 16.9278C5.34613 17.3027 5.34611 17.9106 5.72102 18.2855C6.09594 18.6604 6.70377 18.6604 7.07867 18.2855L12.0001 13.364L16.9216 18.2855C17.2965 18.6604 17.9043 18.6604 18.2792 18.2855C18.6541 17.9105 18.6541 17.3027 18.2792 16.9278L13.3578 12.0064L18.2792 7.0849C18.6541 6.71001 18.6542 6.10217 18.2792 5.72726C17.9043 5.35235 17.2965 5.35236 16.9216 5.72726L12.0001 10.6487L7.07865 5.72724C6.70375 5.35234 6.09592 5.35233 5.721 5.72724Z" />
<ClipPath id="clip0_226_47132">
transform="translate(0 0.00634766)"
export const EyeIcon = (props: any) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M12 5.006c3.69 0 6.974 2.19 9.83 6.443a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.115c-2.856 4.253-6.14 6.442-9.83 6.442s-6.974-2.19-9.83-6.442a1 1 0 0 1 0-1.115C5.026 7.196 8.31 5.006 12 5.006m0 2c-2.76 0-5.323 1.598-7.71 4.898l-. 15.302 9.075 16.9 11.733 17l.267.005c2.76 0 5.323-1.597 7.71-4.897l.073-.103-.073-.102C17.4 8.71 14.925 7.11 12.267 7.01zm0 1a4 4 0 1 1 0 8 4 4 0 0 1 0-8m0 2a2 2 0 1 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0-4"
export const SuccessIcon = (props: any) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M15.743 9.264a.906.906 0 0 0-1.267 0l-3.745 3.635-1.2-1.179a.92.92 0 0 0-1.264-.006.86.86 0 0 0-.01 1.235l1.832 1.8a.907.907 0 0 0 1.266.003l4.383-4.25a.865.865 0 0 0 .007-1.234z"
d="M21.214 8.118a10 10 0 0 0-2.144-3.18 10 10 0 0 0-3.18-2.143A9.9 9.9 0 0 0 12 2.007c-5.514.002-10 4.488-10 10 0 5.514 4.486 10 10 10s10-4.486 10-10a9.9 9.9 0 0 0-.786-3.889M12 20.353c-4.602 0-8.346-3.744-8.346-8.345S7.398 3.662 12 3.662s8.346 3.744 8.346 8.346c0 4.601-3.744 8.345-8.346 8.345"
export const FailIcon = (props: any) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<Path d="M12.036 2.006a9.9 9.9 0 0 1 7.055 2.91C20.909 6.733 22 9.278 22 12.042a9.9 9.9 0 0 1-2.91 7.054 9.9 9.9 0 0 1-7.054 2.91c-2.763 0-5.309-1.092-7.127-2.91A9.9 9.9 0 0 1 2 12.043c0-2.764 1.09-5.31 2.91-7.128 1.817-1.818 4.363-2.909 7.126-2.909m6.037 4c-1.527-1.6-3.71-2.545-6.037-2.545-2.4 0-4.509.945-6.036 2.545-1.6 1.528-2.545 3.637-2.545 6.037 0 2.327.945 4.509 2.545 6.036 1.527 1.527 3.636 2.473 6.036 2.473 2.328 0 4.51-.946 6.037-2.473s2.473-3.709 2.473-6.036c0-2.4-.946-4.51-2.473-6.037" />
<Path d="M14.8 8.188a.703.703 0 0 1 1.018 0 .703.703 0 0 1 0 1.018l-2.836 2.837 2.837 2.763c. 0 1.091a.703.703 0 0 1-1.019 0l-2.836-2.836-2.691 2.69a.79.79 0 0 1-1.09 0 .87.87 0 0 1 0-1.018l2.763-2.69-2.764-2.691c-.218-.291-.218-.8 0-1.091a.79.79 0 0 1 1.091 0l2.69 2.69z" />
export const AppleIcon = (props:any) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M20.3172 8.50055C20.1898 8.59956 17.9397 9.86909 17.9397 12.692C17.9397 15.9571 20.8028 17.1122 20.8885 17.1408C20.8753 17.2112 20.4337 18.7228 19.3789 20.2629C18.4385 21.6183 17.4563 22.9714 15.9621 22.9714C14.4679 22.9714 14.0834 22.1023 12.3585 22.1023C10.6775 22.1023 10.0798 23 8.71307 23C7.34633 23 6.39269 21.7459 5.29622 20.2057C4.02616 18.3971 3 15.5875 3 12.9208C3 8.64356 5.77743 6.37514 8.51092 6.37514C9.96336 6.37514 11.1741 7.33003 12.086 7.33003C12.9539 7.33003 14.3075 6.31793 15.9599 6.31793C16.5861 6.31793 18.8362 6.37514 20.3172 8.50055ZM15.1754 4.50715C15.8588 3.69527 16.3422 2.56876 16.3422 1.44224C16.3422 1.28603 16.329 1.12761 16.3005 1C15.1886 1.0418 13.8658 1.74147 13.0682 2.66777C12.442 3.38064 11.8575 4.50715 11.8575 5.64907C11.8575 5.82068 11.886 5.9923 11.8992 6.0473C11.9695 6.06051 12.0838 6.07591 12.198 6.07591C13.1956 6.07591 14.4503 5.40704 15.1754 4.50715Z"
export const GoogleIcon = (props:any) => (
viewBox="0 0 28 24"
d="M14.0031 2.40625C8.69995 2.40625 4.40002 6.70465 4.40002 12.0063C4.40002 17.3078 8.69995 21.6063 14.0031 21.6063C22.0111 21.6063 23.8153 14.1719 23.0641 10.4062H22H20.186H14V13.6062H20.1906C19.479 16.3649 16.9808 18.4062 14 18.4062C10.4656 18.4062 7.60002 15.5407 7.60002 12.0063C7.60002 8.47185 10.4656 5.60625 14 5.60625C15.6072 5.60625 17.0713 6.20285 18.1953 7.18125L20.4688 4.90937C18.7616 3.35418 16.4935 2.40625 14.0031 2.40625Z"
export default {CrossIcon, EyeIcon};