Gnu Guix Rice (ofc with stow)
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# Bash initialization for interactive non-login shells and
# for remote shells (info "(bash) Bash Startup Files").
# Export 'SHELL' to child processes. Programs such as 'screen'
# honor it and otherwise use /bin/sh.
export SHELL
if [[ $- != *i* ]]
# We are being invoked from a non-interactive shell. If this
# is an SSH session (as in "ssh host command"), source
# /etc/profile so we get PATH and other essential variables.
[[ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]] && source /etc/profile
# Don't do anything else.
# Source the system-wide file.
source /etc/bashrc
# Adjust the prompt depending on whether we're in 'guix environment'.
PS1='\u@\h \w [env]\$ '
PS1='\u@\h \w\$ '
alias ls='ls -p --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -l'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias s='ls'
alias v='nvim'
alias c='clear'
alias e='exit'
alias gp='git push'
alias gac='git add . && git commit'
alias g='git'
alias sb='source ~/.bashrc'
alias vb='nvim ~/.bashrc'
alias r='ranger'
timeout 5s pfetch
export TERM=alacritty
export VISUAL=nvim
export PS1="\[\e[33;1m\][\u@\h] \W$ \[\e[0m\]"
resetcursor() {
printf '\033]50;CursorShape=1\x7'
export PS1="$(resetcursor)$PS1"