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# wm independent hotkeys
# terminal emulator
super + shift + Return
alacritty -e tmux
super + shift + a
super + shift + w
# program launcher
super + space
rofi -show drun
super + w
rofi -show window
# make sxhkd reload its configuration files:
super + Escape
pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd
# berry hotkeys
super + {h, j, k, l}
berryc window_move {-50 0, 0 50, 0 -50, 50 0}
super + shift + {h, j, k, l}
berryc window_resize {-50 0, 0 50, 0 -50, 50 0}
super + {1-9}
berryc switch_workspace {0-9}
super + shift + {1-9}
berryc send_to_workspace {0-9}
super + m
berryc window_monocle
super + f
berryc fullscreen
super + p
berryc snap_right
super + o
berryc snap_left
super + n
berryc toggle_decorations
super + {Tab,r}
berryc cycle_focus
super + shift + e
killall berry
super + shift + q
berryc window_close
super + c
berryc window_center
berryc pointer_focus