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  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. DIR="$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")")"
  3. # script must start at home directory
  4. cd "$HOME" || exit 1;
  5. dependencies() {
  6. sudo apt update -y
  7. sudo apt install -y make curl sudo git zip unzip || exit 1
  8. if ! (type sudo 2>&1) > /dev/null; then
  9. echo "sudo is not installed.";
  10. exit 1
  11. fi
  12. echo "Updating APT and adding PPA's"
  13. curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
  14. sudo apt update -y || exit 1
  15. sudo apt install -y nodejs golang cargo tmux g++ gcc || exit 1
  16. }
  17. sysinfo() {
  18. echo "Dylan Araps scripts"
  19. cd "$HOME" || exit 1;
  20. mkdir -p repos
  21. git clone "$HOME/repos/pfetch"
  22. git clone "$HOME/repos/neofetch"
  23. git clone "$HOME/repos/fff"
  24. cd "$HOME/repos/pfetch" || exit 1;
  25. sudo make install || exit 2;
  26. cd "$HOME" || exit 1;
  27. cd "$HOME/repos/neofetch" || exit 1;
  28. sudo make install || exit 2;
  29. cd "$HOME" || exit 1;
  30. cd "$HOME/repos/fff" || exit 1;
  31. sudo make install || exit 2;
  32. cd "$HOME" || exit 1;
  33. }
  34. browsers() {
  35. sudo apt remove -y firefox
  36. sudo snap remove firefox
  37. # install brave
  38. sudo apt install apt-transport-https -y
  39. sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg
  40. echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list
  41. sudo apt update -y
  42. sudo apt install brave-browser -y
  43. }
  44. torbrowser() {
  45. sudo apt install -y torbrowser-launcher
  46. }
  47. popshell() {
  48. mkdir -p "$HOME/repos"
  49. sudo apt install git node-typescript make -y
  50. git clone "$HOME/repos/shell"
  51. cd "$HOME/repos/shell" || exit 1
  52. make depcheck
  53. make compile
  54. make install
  55. make configure
  56. }
  57. meetings() {
  58. mkdir -p "$HOME/repos"
  59. # install skype
  60. curl -LJo "$HOME/repos/skypeforlinux.deb"
  61. sudo apt install "$HOME/repos/skypeforlinux.deb" -y
  62. # install zoom
  63. curl -LJo "$HOME/repos/zoomus.deb"
  64. sudo apt install "$HOME/repos/zoomus.deb" -y
  65. # install mt
  66. sudo curl -LJ -o /usr/local/bin/mt
  67. sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mt
  68. }
  69. dotfiles() {
  70. echo "Adding zsh and tmux configs"
  71. # zsh plugins
  72. sudo apt install -y zsh tmux shellcheck fzf
  73. sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  74. git clone "$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting"
  75. # dotfiles
  76. if ! test -d "$DIR/dots"; then
  77. echo "$DIR/dots folder not found.";
  78. exit 1;
  79. fi
  80. cp "$DIR/dots/zshrc" "$HOME/.zshrc"
  81. cp "$DIR/dots/tmux.conf" "$HOME/.tmux.conf"
  82. git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm || exit 1
  83. tmux start \; \
  84. new -d \; \
  85. run "$HOME/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/" \; \
  86. kill-session || exit 1
  87. mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin" || exit 1
  88. cp -r "$DIR/scripts/." "$HOME/.local/bin/" || exit 1
  89. }
  90. neovim() {
  91. # install neovim
  92. curl -LJo "$HOME/repos/nvim-linux64.deb" || exit 1
  93. sudo apt install "$HOME/repos/nvim-linux64.deb" -y || exit 1
  94. sudo npm install -g tree-sitter-cli
  95. git clone --depth 1 ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim || exit 1
  96. git clone ~/.config/nvim || exit 1
  97. nvim -c PackerSync -c 'sleep 10' -c qa --headless
  98. echo "sleeping to compile"
  99. nvim -c 'sleep 60' -c qa --headless
  100. }
  101. neovim_fonts() {
  102. mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/share/fonts/UM"
  103. cd "$HOME/.local/share/fonts/UM" || exit 1
  104. curl -LJO || exit 1
  105. unzip || exit 1
  106. fc-cache -rv || exit 1
  107. }
  108. competitiveprogramming() {
  109. echo "CP Compilers..."
  110. sudo apt install clang clang-tools-extra
  111. cd "$HOME" || exit 1;
  112. git clone "$HOME/cp"
  113. }
  114. case "$1" in
  115. ssh|s)
  116. (dependencies && sysinfo && dotfiles && neovim) || exit 1
  117. ;;
  118. graphical|g)
  119. (dependencies && sysinfo && browsers && dotfiles && neovim && neovim_fonts && popshell) || exit 1
  120. ;;
  121. full|f)
  122. (dependencies && sysinfo && browsers && torbrowser && meetings && dotfiles && neovim && neovim_fonts && popshell) || exit 1
  123. ;;
  124. cp|c)
  125. (dependencies && sysinfo && browsers && dotfiles && neovim && neovim_fonts && competitiveprogramming && popshell) || exit 1
  126. ;;
  127. *)
  128. echo "First Argument should be one of ssh, graphical, full, or cp"
  129. ;;
  130. esac
  131. cat <<EOF
  132. Stuff to do:
  133. - Reboot to make all changes active
  134. - Copy over the mt config files
  135. EOF